Sunday, February 9, 2014

Closet Cleaning

I LOVE to shop. Anytime I have a bad day I go shopping. Anytime time I see something I like, I buy it. And even when I don't need something, I still get it.

And clothes are my biggest weakness.

One way I feel better about buying more clothes is going through my closet and getting rid of clothes that I haven't worn in a while.

I ask myself the following questions about each piece of clothing in my closet:

1. When was the last time I wore this? If it was last year, it's gone, or if I can't even remember, see ya!

2. Why should I keep this? If I like it, I'll keep it a while. 

3. Will I wear it again? If I think I will, it'll make it through this round. 

After you've gone through your closet there are a number of ways you can keep give them to someone else that is going to love them just as much as you did.

Wash them. Fold them.
  1. Take them to thrift store
  2. Take them to used clothes store (you might get some money out of them) 
  3. Hand them down to a younger kid you know that might like them
Whatever you decide to do, don't throw them away. If they're still wearable give them away. You'll feel so much better if you do!

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