Friday, February 7, 2014


You usually form a lot of bad habits when you're in college. Mostly because you don't have any time to do anything. 

I got in a bad habit of running by Wendy's or Bojangles on my way home because I hadn't eaten all day. And as much as I hate to admit it, I also made those late night Cookout runs to get a tray and a ridiculously good, but bad for you milkshake. 

I have tried very hard not to carry those habits over to my young, professional, working girl life, so I try as hard as I can to watch what I eat. 

You know it's true when people say "You are what you eat." When I was making unhealthy choices and waiting all day to eat, I felt awful. 

I have learned the importance of 3 meals a day and how to choose what I eat wisely.

There is a farm not called Wild Pilgrim Farmstead that delivers fresh, farm grown fruits and vegetables to a grocery store very close to where I work. One of my friends got one the other week and I decided to give it a try. 

For $25 I got a box of assorted, fresh fruits and vegetables. Now it forces me to come up with different and creative dishes!

My boyfriend and I are "hooked" on quinoa. We have literally eaten it for dinner every single night for the past month. I thought it might be fun to mix it up and try a different dish with the quinoa other than the usual. I found a recipe for Quinoa Stuffed Peppers on A Beautiful Mess blog and altered it to fit what I had in my kitchen. 

This recipe is super easy and quick.

Here's what you'll need:
-1 Red Pepper
-1 Tomato 
-1 Jalapeno Pepper
-1 Cup of Black Beans
-1 handfull of Feta Cheese
-Shredded Cheese
-2 handfulls of Quinoa (be very careful with this, we didn't think we had pored that much but it turned out to be way too much. It may look like too little but it expands, so just pour as much as you think would fill two halves of a pepper.)

First, cook the quinoa by following the directions on the bag (This usually takes about 15 mins or until you see the spirals in quinoa). Also, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. While the quinoa is cooking chop the jalapeno pepper and tomato and chop the red pepper in half and clean out the innards. 

Warm the black beans on the stove (just a little simmer and they'll be good). Combine quinoa, jalapeno pepper, tomato, black beans and feta cheese in a small mixing bowl. 

Once you've combined the "stuffing" spoon a generous amount into the red pepper halves. Sprinkle as much shredded cheese as you like on top of the pepper halves and then put in the oven for 15 mins. Check on them after about 10 mins to make sure they aren't burning and use your judgement as to when to take them out. We did this and it was the perfect amount of time. Allow them to cool for a couple mins. Then serve. 

Looky there, a very hearty and healthy dinner! 

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