Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why I got rid of Social Media

A lot of people actually got mad at me when I left social media. They couldn't tag me in stuff or write on my wall/tweet me for my birthday. And that's exactly why I got rid of it. I miss when our only mode of communication with people was through letters or landlines. 

When people say "I don't even know what's going on with you anymore because you don't have Facebook" It pisses me off! Just because I don't have a Facebook doesn't mean that I don't exist! Pick up the phone and call me for goodness sake!

Getting rid of social media has forced me to be intentional and talk to people rather than just browse their Facebook page to see what's going on with them. I am so much happier. I have real relationships with people. To be honest, I had about 1,900 Facebook friends/600 followers on twitter and maybe only considered 5% of them my "friends". 

Another thing that made me get rid of my social media life was the fact that people were superficial. Facebook/Twitter is a place for people to make up this life that they want people to think they have, when in reality, no one really cares. I remember hanging out with people who bad mouthed other people and next thing I know, I see on Facebook that they're BFFs. Fo reals?

The sad thing is, I almost reactivated my Facebook account because I was afraid people were going to forget my birthday. How sad is that? (Thankfully I did not reactivate and I still got plenty of birthday wishes)

I feel like social media is just a way to make yourself unhappy. Looking at all these so-called "lives" that are glamorous and great and you're sitting there with your bowl of ice cream, crying, asking yourself, "Why can't that be me".

So try it, deactivate your social media accounts and see what happens. 

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