Monday, March 3, 2014

Acne Scar Eraser

I have always had trouble with acne. I've been through a couple rounds of Accutane and have tried every acne product on the planet. On top of that, I have always had trouble with acne scars too. One remedy that I have found that works really well for getting rid of acne scars is Vitamin E.

If you have this problem too, here's something for you to try:

Buy: Vitamin E Capsules (Walmart)

After I have finished my bedtime routine, I bust the Vitamin E capsule in the palm of my hand, take the oil and rub it on the places on my face that have acne scars.

I've been doing this for a couple days now and I'm already starting to see them fade.

Do you have any acne or acne scar remedies? Please share them with me!

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