Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Single Gal Valentine's Survival Guide

I know what it's like to be single on Valentine's Day. I've had many Valentine's Days without a special someone, but I didn't let it get me down. So for all you single ladies out there, I've come up with some great ideas to help you to forget about Valentine's Day and have a great day with your single friends.

1. Have a ROTIC dinner. (It's a romantic dinner without the man, get it?)

Get dressed up, go out to a nice restaurant and have a great time with your girlfriends. 

2. Take a day trip.

Grab a couple single gal pals and get out of town for the day.

3. Have a spa day.

Buy your own spa supplies or get a special package at a local spa and spoil yourself.

4. Go to the movies. 

See Endless Love for those of you that want a heart wrenching, makes you wish you had a boyfriend feeling at the end. 

See That Awkward Moment for a feel good, laugh out loud, still makes you wish you had a boyfriend comedy. And hey, Zac Efron, need I say more? 

5. Have a Anti-Valentine's Day Party, where you make fun of the stupid holiday. 

Get anti-love party materials, print out pictures of exes and throw darts at them and have a boy bashing, I love myself and all I need is my friends, good time. 

6. Buy yourself something nice. You know that dress you saw the other week that you've been pining over for weeks. Get it. You're worth it. 

Spoil yourself. 

7. Have a girls night. 

Netflix and Ben and Jerry's. What more do you need? 

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