Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hi, I'm Busy Girl.

I absolutely love blogging. Blogging is actually my job. Yep, you heard right, I get paid to blog!

I work for a small online marketing company called High Country 365 in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina.

For months I have tried to get back into blogging but life got in the way. I was just way too busy. 

AND THEN...it struck me.

I'm a busy girl. I've always been busy. You know that thing called relaxation? Yeah, I don't know what that is, because I never do. I am always doing something! So, why would I not create a blog about how to have a life in the midst of the busyness? 

So here I am, bearing my all to you. I am here to give you guides to get through every aspect of your life. 

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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